Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Santiago 2.0 by Kat

Here are just a few more pictures of the cathedral in Santiago. We are in Madrid now and our new friend Devorah has shared with us some new and exciting information about the Camino. Turns out it's a pilgrimage pre-dating  Catholicism (think ancient pagen celestial path that doesn't end at the cathedral but instead ends at the most Western tip of Europe, where the earth ends and the stars begin.) Pegans have nicknamed the route the Milky Way because it follows the Milky Way to the Atlantic ocean. Compostela after all does mean of "of the stars". Also there seems to be a lot of information about a non-Catholic who was in the area at the time that apostle Saint James allegedly was as well. This non-Catholic was practising medicine and being very successful at it. Imagine how this would have looked to the decision makers in the Catholic church in 44 AD (ish)...pretty threatening. So as the story goes they had this man killed and that's who is actually buried at the Cathedral. Now before you go "pfft damn hippies", think about history and the ways in which the church has re-written history to re-affirm and maintain the power it has over its people. Frankly, I wouldn't put this one past them.

The inside of the cathedral doesn't exactly scream humility. 


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