Monday, 23 July 2012

Prep Talk by Kat

After a week of "farewell drinks" with friends in Toronto and a road trip to see family, here we are our last night in Canada.  The farewells were a lot of fun but sometimes got a bit tearful (I speak for myself on that one.)  Seeing everyone so excited helped me really tap in to how lucky we are to be able to do this and how special this experience is going to be. Heading off on a trip like this wouldn't be nearly as sweet if we didn't have great friends and family to (eventually) come home to.

Planning for a trip this enormous has proven to have some challenges, the biggest of which is that neither of us are very fond of trip planning. Zack proved to be an intense marathon planner whose sessions usually coincide with a need to procrastinate from some less exciting tasks (think paid employment.) For the past several months I'd hear Zack clicking his lap top keys and offering up occassional comments and questions like "Jesus, Turkey is going to be expensive" or "Do you think a ferry to Croatia is a good idea?" I'd take a look over Zack's shoulder to see dozens of internet tabs maps with alternative flight pages...ferry info....couch surfer requests etc. I, on the other hand, ignored the fact that any planning had to be done until about three weeks ago. As I've told Zack, I'm hoping to be a better "team player" when we actually get "on the field." 

After packing for what felt like a month, we are ready to go! Our earthly belongings are stored (thanks parents), our rdio accounts are loaded (thanks camh) and our packs are weighing in at 30lbs a piece, not too shabby for a year and full camping gear. 

Custom luggage tags. Big love for etsy. 

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